Duo Duels

Mega Man rolled and, with an effort, managed to climb to his feet again. Pain was pulsing through his whole body. His vision hazed over. He finally stopped running. He didn’t have the energy to run. He let his opponent approach him and channeled the last of his energy into his Mega Buster. The other robot took a few steps and jumped, lunging right at Mega Man, but the exhausted blue robot hardly saw him. He raised his arm cannon and fired off the super-shot.

Pow! Direct hit! His target exploded in an incredible flash of light and energy that knocked Mega Man clean off his feet. He tumbled to the ground and didn’t move. For the first time he let himself relax. It was over. He’d triumphed.

But he was afraid it might have cost him his own life.

Duo Duels
Mandi Paugh