Due to popular demand this section has been restored. Note that this dream is not meant to represent either the plot of the games or even the plot of The Series. So don’t take it as canon to anything. And no, I still haven’t named the evil guy. Editor’s comments are in [brackets].
Nevertheless, enjoy!
This is just a dream I had one night a little while before I ever played Mega Man X. It’s a weird and quite depressing dream, but incredibly eerie because of the similarities between it and how the actual game turned out.
Before you start reading let me warn you of a few things. First of all, the story is a little dramatic (it’s my writing style) and rather saddening. Read at your own risk. Oh, and to understand better, keep in mind that I call Protoman “Break Man” and consider him to be on Mega Man’s side. I also include some Captain N show stuff, but they really have nothing to do with the story; they’re only in the opening.
Now for an introduction...
With the help of Samus Aran, the N-Team has finally managed to exile Mother Brain and her cohorts—including Dr. Wily!—to another dimension. But Mother Brain got a “dying shot” so to speak and attempted to blast her biggest annoyance, Kevin (A.K.A. Captain N) out of existence. Kevin, being who he is (namely, the Game Master), dodged. The shot was heading right for Dr. Light (who was there for some unknown reason) and to save his creator Mega Man jumped forward and took the blow instead.
Mother Brain had been trying to cast Kevin back to where he’d come (namely, Earth). Only she missed. Where Mega Man ended up and what happened during the few days while he was there is a long story which is best told another time. All you need to know to understand is that Mega Man couldn’t find a way back, and probably would have never seen his homeworld again had someone not intervened.
I don’t know about your dreams, but in mine I can often see a person without really knowing who he is or what he looks like. This is the case with this vision. There was a new big-evil-bad-guy in this dream, but I have no idea what his name was supposed to be or who he was. Somehow I got the impression that he had a connection to Dr. Wily—that he was either a scientist who knew of Wily or was a robot built by Wily. But this is all I know. Hence, I will commence to call him simply “the evil guy.”
Well, this evil guy was of course attempting to do what Dr. Wily had failed to do, and of course he’d heard of Mega Man. His plan was to rid himself of the blue bomber right away, before Mega Man could cause any harm. He somehow managed to find the dimension into which Mega Man had been thrown—something even Dr. Light was unable to do—and promptly went there to track down the blue bomber. He took a large robot (robot walker I think they’re called) and formed himself a big dimensional portal (or “warp” as they’re called in the Captain N shows). The evil guy stepped through, snatched up Mega Man with one of his robot walker’s big claw-like hands, and walked back into the portal.
(I don’t know why the guy did this—my only guess is that he thought that Mega Man was busy amassing weapons or allies or something. Apparently the evil guy didn’t realize that Mega Man was trapped in that dimension. Going and fetching the blue bomber was one of the evil guy’s two biggest mistakes. In trying to destroy his possible nemesis, he brought about his own eventual destruction.)
Once the two where back in Mega Man’s homeworld, the evil guy paused for a moment—his captive held high—to gloat. This was his other big mistake. Before he could finish Mega Man off, a humanoid robot showed up and freed the captive.
And here’s where the story begins.
I’m not going to tell the next few events because 1) that would take much too long, and 2) I don’t really remember it all exactly anyway. All I remember is that Mega Man went from here on his quest to not only find Dr. Light, but also to rid the land of the evil guy. This pretty much involved fighting through lots of minor and major robotic creations—much like the games, actually. So imagine the games and you will have about as much of an idea as I do.
Mega Man checked in with Roll at the lab every so often, using his built-in teleporter to navigate around the land and the lab’s few remaining computers to program it. He met up with Break Man several times, as well as some of the other members of the RoboPolice, but though the latter were ready to follow and obey him at his first offer, Mega Man instead left them and continued on his own. Usually he would be glad for help, and he worked with his allies when the need arose, but the events of the past few days had hardened him. Now all he had was a fierce determination to locate his creator, and he would let nothing stand in his way.
After many struggles and battles, Mega Man and his friends had narrowed down the possibilities but had yet to uncover the evil guy’s hiding place. Mega Man went back to the lab once again to check in. Unfortunately for him, the evil guy’s robots followed him there and ganged up for an ambush. Problem was, Roll came out during the battle to see what the commotion was about, and ended up accidentally distracting Mega Man long enough for him to be jumped. While he was able to toss away the robots after a couple of moments of struggling, when they retreated he discovered he no longer had the formula.
Mega Man angrily chased after the robots but they had disappeared. For apparently the rest of the day he turned the land upside down searching for them, but in the end he had to come back empty handed. The evil guy met him at the lab with a small (sort of) vehicle meant to test out the formula.
It was powerful, to say the least. Mega Man managed to keep himself alive but his weapons were hardly making a dent in the battle machine. The evil guy hardly had to do much at all; instead he stood atop his creation with his hand held high, holding out the piece of paper he’d swiped from Mega Man in a taunting manner. Super-powered by Dr. Light’s formula, the battle tank seemed completely invincible.
At least from the outside.
While Mega Man was keeping the evil guy busy, Roll climbed on from behind. The evil guy noticed her and tried to knock her off and ended up hitting the control panel instead. The machine bulked, sparking.
Meanwhile Mega Man had been sketching in the dirt, trying to remember the formula. He was alive and his memory wasn’t quite as good as a normal robot’s, but after a bit of thinking he was finally able to recall it all. Mega Man rememorized it then scraped his foot across the sketches, obliterating them. Then he fired at the paper in the evil guy’s hand.
The guy shrieked as the shot burned his hand and disintegrated the paper. He finally managed to toss Roll off his sputtering machine, but by that time it was hindered enough for Mega Man to touch it. He caught Roll, set her safely down, then fired off a fully-powered super shot and let the tank’s own energy supply speed its destruction. The evil guy jumped off and fled.
As it turned out, the evil guy had wanted Mega Man for a very special reason. Unknown to the blue bomber, the evil guy no longer had a copy of the formula. The copy that had been stored in the tank’s computers had been destroyed along with the tank. Of course he had duplicates in the computers in his fortress, but “somebody” (we all know who!) had broken in and deleted the information on all of the computers. Now the only one who knew the formula was Mega Man.
And the evil guy knew this little fact.
But what the evil guy didn’t know was that Mega Man was alive and hence his mind operated much differently than a normal computer’s. Reading any information stored in Mega Man’s memory banks was a difficult task for the evil guy who knew nothing of living machines. He might have figured it out in time, but Mega Man escaped with Dr. Light before that could happen.
On their way in Dr. Light and Mega Man had been allowed to talk with each other, which was awfully nice of the evil guy seeing that he was technically evil. The scientist and his little robot caught each other up on events and chatted about other things and basically got to spend some quality time together, forced as it was. It’s good that they did, however, because it was close to their final opportunity.
Of course we all know what Dr. Light eventually decided to do. He placed Mega Man in a capsule which is not uncovered until the events we know as the game, Mega Man X. And at this point my story is almost finished. But there was one other segment to my dream that I thought I should mention.
Break Man was still around, though where he was hiding is anyone’s guess. He watched and observed that Mega Man X was slowly doing something that Dr. Light couldn’t anticipate. He was gaining back his emotions—and hence, part of his former life.
Most of X’s former memories had faded by the time he’d come out of the capsule. So when the emotions came he didn’t recognize them, and really had no idea what he was feeling. They confused him but for the most part he tried to ignore them.
But Break Man recognized them easily. Eventually he came to X (apparently X already knew him because he showed no surprise with this meeting) one final time.