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This is basically all six NES Mega Man games ported to the PlayStation (one game per disc, disappointingly enough). Although these discs were never technically translated, Capcom was eventually able to release basically the same thing as the Complete Works in a package called the Anniversary Collection.

For the most part the games are preserved in all of their NES glory, which means you can check their respective pages for more details about any particular one. The graphics, sound, story, game play, and etc. are all pretty much identical—yes, 8-bit graphics on a PSX. However there are a few additions here over the NES originals.

Navi Mode

This is the navigation or hint mode. If you play in this mode, you get several additions which do not show up in the normal (original) mode:

  • The graphics for the energy meters have been updated to show more information, such as the number of lives remaining and the number of shots available to your current weapon.
  • The weapon sub-screens are also completely redone.
  • Beat and Eddie show up in places to point out (usually obvious) routes.
  • You can get hints by pressing Select when an exclamation mark is flashing.
Mega Man 4 - 6 Only
  • The latter three games contain remixed music (taken from the arcades where applicable), which means it sounds a lot less tinny. However you get the original NES music if you play on the normal (no hint) mode.
  • By playing the game you can earn points which unlock various extra parts. These can be equipped on Mega Man to do everything from increase his jumping height to reducing the amount of energy weapons require. You can have two parts equipped at once. However these parts only take effect in Navi mode.
Other Changes
  • There are a few new graphics used for load screens and such.
  • Pressing Select during the game will open a menu of various system options. You can also view the current password this way (if applicable).
  • Like the X games, you can use L1 and R1 to switch weapons. Depending on the game you can also use L2 and R2 to cycle through Adapters.
  • In games with the slide, pressing Circle (by default) is the same as pressing Down and jump at the same time. In other words, it’s a single-button slide. However due to the way the programmers implemented it (by literally mapping it to Down + jump) it behaves in odd ways depending on your situation. If you’re wearing a Rush suit (and you thus cannot slide), pressing Circle jumps instead, and if you’re on a ladder, pressing it moves you down a notch. Basically whatever would happen if you pressed Down and jump together happens when you press Circle.
  • Triangle (by default) is rapid fire. This is equivalent to auto-firing the fire button. Obviously you can’t charge up using this button.
  • Passwords (for games that have them) still work, but additionally you can also choose to save your game to a memory card. The save game actually lists the accompanying password when you view it during load and save. Saved games don’t “remember” anything more than the passwords do.
  • You can couple these games with a PocketStation; however I don’t have a PocketStation so I won’t be reviewing that aspect for the time being.
  • And finally, there is a database mode which stores information about the enemies in the game. When you begin, the database is empty, but entries get added as you play through the game. (Note: you have to save the database separately, frustratingly enough, by going to the database screen and selecting “save.” The game loads the data automatically but stupidly doesn’t save automatically, even if you save your progress on a card while playing.)